Star wars armada rebel tactics
Star wars armada rebel tactics

star wars armada rebel tactics

Its a move of 3, hull of 3, so be careful they will go down quick, 3 red anti squadron, and 1 red anti ship. These are old ships, but none the less till battle useful. Lieutenant Blount is in a Z95 Headhunter squadron. The Generic Ewing is less points and loses some special rules, but still keeps snipe, and bomber, has its anti squadron armament reduced to 3 blue dice, and its anti ship remains at 1 red. Corran also gets rogue, and snipe 4, meaning you can attack squadrons at distance 2, and ignore the counter keyword, very handy for well. It has a move of 4, 5 hull, 4 blue anti squadron, and 1 red anti ship with bomber as well, and some defence tokens. We get Corran Horn in an E wing squadron. Strategic allows you to move an objective to range 1 of you when you end your move in range 1 of an objective, so you can switch its position, or almost pass it behind you, pretty handy for some sneakiness. Relay 1 is helpful when a ship activates a squadron token, as it lets the fighters being activated be in range 1-3 of you, so you can really throw out some surprises and extend your command range. The generic VCX100 is similar, less firepower though, and some new rules too. She can also make 2 squadrons at distance 1-2 of her rogue as well, so great for having escort fighters for her. gifted with grit and rogue, she will be hard to tie down as well. Hera Syndulla brings the Ghost, at speed 3 she's not super fast, but has 8 hull to soak up some damage, and a solid mix of 2 black 2 blue anti ship, and one red one black anti ship. The generic lancer class pursuit craft has most of the same rules, and a lesser firepower on the anti ship section, plus of course lesser points.

star wars armada rebel tactics star wars armada rebel tactics

With Grit (she cant be held up as engaged by only 1 squadron) and rogue (you can move and fire in an activation) she can cause plenty of havoc, and has some defence tokens to lessen he damage too.

star wars armada rebel tactics

With an anti squadron of 3 blue, and anti ship of 2 blue she still packs plenty of firepower, and is a bomber so criticals count against ships. the ship is fast at speed 4, but low hull of 4 means you may need to be careful. For each ship you get a normal generic squadron, and a named one led by an "ace" Starting with the Shadow Caster you get Ketsu Onyo.

Star wars armada rebel tactics